
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Things I should do 2

Tell everyone that you can stop the wireless network client from disconnecting when using Windows XP's Fast User Switching by adding the registry key found here:

To modify the behavior of RAS when logging off, change the value of the
following registry key:
KeepRasConnections REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0 (disabled)

Also I should tell everyone about

Which is a great way to surf the web from your PDA. It strips adds and complex formatting from pages, making nearly any page viewable on my Palm.

Two tips

Nurofen is great to relieve the inflammation associated with a punctured sphincter. Tendency to cause gastro-intestinal bleeding, so need to be very careful. One after each bowel movement eases the discomfort considerably, however. So ends my service to the web searching community.

Second tip, your 31st birthday is much less traumatic than your 30th. Even if your body seems to be falling apart beneath you.

Third tip, be nice to your mother.

That's a bonus one because it's my birthday. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Because it's inescapable

Did you know that you use your sphincter to descend stairs? No, neither did I.

Had a fistula removed from ... down there ... on Thursday. Not the most pleasant thing in the world. Like most things, the pain itself isn't so bad, it's just that you get sick of it after a while.

I think of myself as pretty healthy, but seem to have been at the Doctor's a lot lately. Hopefully this will be the last for a while.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Things I should do:

Write a tutorial for:
1) setting up the firewall on the Billion 7402g
2) sharing internet connection using BlueSoleil and Bluetooth Palm

Both of these things are badly explained on the web, have caused me some trouble but I eventually figured it out.

All I need is the motivation. So if you're having trouble with either of these and found this site through a search engine, email me and I'll write a tutorial.