
Monday, August 28, 2006

Good and bad

Got back from the honeymoon on Friday. The honeymoon was awesome! Took until Sunday to feel human again, adjust to the real world.

Then I got my wisdom teeth out this morning, so feeling a bit flat again... oh well, plenty of time to recover before going back to work Friday.

Shout outs to Steiny, whom I WILL contact soon, sorry for being sooooooo completely slack. I'm looking forward to catching up on 5 years :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Glory glory hallelujah

This is where we got married on Saturday. It was great!

Now we're off here and here for two weeks. Which will also be great :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I know the history, but this is just wrong.

Sydney Morning Herald

Yes, Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation. Yes, it deliberately commits heinous crimes with the aim of goading Israel into over-reaction.

Yes, even, Isreal causing civilian suffering to persuade them to pressue Hezbollah to no longer act in their name - maybe that can be justified.

Attacking clearly marked ambulances is wrong.

This on top of the sustained attack on United Nations observation post that had been established for thirty years. Israel is meant to have some of the best military intelligence organisations in the world - it appears not, lately.